Friday, February 14, 2020

Call of Submissions for Coalition Government's Review of Essay

Call of Submissions for Coalition Government's Review of Counter-Terrorism & Security Powers in the UK - Essay Example Its main drawback being the restrictions of liberty it imposes on individuals. Some of its limitations are travel restrictions, curfews and restrictions on individuals someone can associate with. An alternative proposed to it is use of intelligence and captured evidence in easing prosecutions. The stop and search policy has faced pertinent objections concerning fundamental human rights particularly on profiling based on religion or race. The commission argues that the powers to stop and search should be founded on rational suspicion of an individual. It should only be arbitrarily employed in exceptional circumstances like addressing an immediate terrorist threat. Another key area raising concern is the length of period of detention before formal charges. The current extended pre-charge detention period contravenes human rights and British constitutional principles and history. Thus a review of the 28 days to 14 days pre-trial detention period is ideal (Equality and Human Rights Commi ssion, 2010). ... The use of community service providers in complex counter-terrorism operations, a Prevent strategy, has raised serious concerns. This is because intelligence gathering has been delegated to service providers like teachers. This is in inconsistent with their foremost professional duty and responsibilities. Prevent’s approach to countering terrorism is described as too broad and too narrow. By focusing on particular communities while ignoring threats of extremism not related to Islam, Prevent effectively fuels intolerance against the Muslim residents. Due to its sinister operational transparency, Prevent has lost the faith and confidence of local communities. The secrecy on intentions of its projects such as funding free IT facilities at a youth center targeting Muslims at a town, North of England has further exposed its unpopular strategy. Consequently, Prevent’s dependence on surveillance and intelligence collecting has made it infringe on peoples personal space creatin g fertile grounds for unequal treatment and human rights abuse (Liberty, 2010). With similar areas of submissions as Equality and Human Rights Commission, Amnesty Internationals select submissions included diplomatic assurances and national security deportations. The diplomatic assurances fronted by the UK government have been consistently challenged since it does not guarantee that an individual deported will not be ill-treated or tortured. International human rights laws forbid governments from deporting individuals likely to be subjected to such abuses. The negotiated bilateral diplomatic agreements entered with countries like Ethiopia, Lebanon and Libya have been observed as an attempt to elude

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Public presentation thru Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public presentation thru Communication - Essay Example Public speaking can be a powerful tool to use for purposes such as motivation, influence, persuasion, or simply ethos. Becoming good at public presentations entails a number of principles, that one needs to grasp. It is important to know that presentation goes hand in hand with communication skills. Good communication skills lead to a nice public presentation. One needs to put into practice some of the principles of effective communication skills if he or she has to come out as a good orator. For an effective public presentation, one needs to plan effectively the presentation. Planning entail was writing down an objective statement of what one needs to achieve because of the presentation. The objective statement usually answers the question â€Å"who is my audience and what is the purpose of the talk.† Next, one needs to write down what he thinks he will tell the audience. It is crucial to note that public speaking not only share information but also move people’s minds and hearts and provokes them into changing their behavior. Additionally, research on the topic of discussion is also very important. The second principle entails one overcoming his or her public speaking fear. Most people become nervous at the thought of standing before people and presenting a given speech. In America, for instance 43% of adults rank public speaking as a major block bringing about fear compared to death. Being bold during a public presentation enhances information flow and the way one influences the audience’s emotional balance. Overcoming this fear is a choice that one can decide to take. Confidence eventually leads to an improved public presentation. Finally, it is crucial to note that a practice makes perfect. By so doing, one boosts his or her communication skills and the ability to stand before the public and offer a good presentation. Continuous repletion of something until it becomes second nature is important in ensuring that perfection is